
Fresh Air

Today we went out into the garden for the first time in a while. This winter has been hard on me emotionally and has really got me down. I love spring and summer and getting outside. Today was a reminder how much a bit of fresh air can clear your head and improve your mood.

Tulip and I spent about an hour out in our garden and we had so much fun! We played with balls and Lego. She went down the slide (I’m too big or I would have too!). We explored how things can be rolled down the slide. We discovered how balls can be kicked, thrown or pushed. We balanced walking along a piece of wood. We listened to birds and heard the chickens next door. We talked about how cats don’t like it when you scream at them even though you’re excited to see them. 

When we came back in I found myself much calmer and much more able to cope with pre dinner tantrums and frustrations and deal with them in the gentle way I always want to. I’m so looking forward to the spring and many more afternoons in the garden playing and learning together. I have so many plans for the garden including a mud kitchen! Watch this space…

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